Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My photography

I've enjoyed taking pictures for as long as I can remember.  I never thought to study it, I just enjoyed doing it.  Last year I was able to purchase a new camera, a DSLR.  I was thrilled!  I did some research, but didn't have a lot of money to spend on it, so I went with a Sony A23o.  I loved it, and still do!  Around July, 2011 I started getting serious about learning all the photography lingo and figuring out how to shoot in manual.  After loads of practicing (enough to drive my family crazy), I started practicing on others.  Each time I practiced, I learned more and remembered more.  I also enjoyed it more and more!  There were times that I was discouraged, but each time that would happen, I would go figure out what went wrong and fixed it or learned how to avoid it.  Here is some of my best work (in my opinion).

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