Monday, February 11, 2013

Baptism shoot of Miss {H}

In our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), we believe that people should be baptized when they become accountable, which the Prophets have said is at age 8.  My sweet girl was baptized recently and before that, we went to the Dallas, Texas Temple to do a shoot for her invitations and some other fun shots.  Here are some of my favorites :)

She's growing up so fast!  We love her so much and the choices that she's making!

Baby {T} - 6 months old!

This little one was my second newborn shoot.  He's now 6 months old!  He's so adorable and was so happy for the shoot!  We had a great time!  I got some of him with his sisters, too, enjoy!

This family is so awesome and the kids are so great to "Shoot".