Sunday, December 15, 2013

{H} Family

My sister and I are best friends!  I love hanging out with her and anytime I do her pictures, it's just another opportunity for me!  So here are some of my favorite pictures that were not posted on Facebook.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

{D} Family pictures

I recently did family pictures for another close family friend and haven't done a blog about them.  I have their pictures on Facebook, but I like blogging too.  So here's a few that I didn't post to Facebook that I also liked :)

This last one was just for the fun of it.  We did a similar pose 2 years ago and I did this to see the difference!  Wow have those kids grown!  If you'd like to see more from this session, check out my Facebook page

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I had an opportunity to shoot my parents, so I took it!

I was given the opportunity to shoot my parents recently, so I just had to do it!  We had fun and this is the first photoshoot that they've had done in a really long time.  I was so happy to take them out and get some pictures!  Here's a few of my favorites!

If you want to see more from their session, make sure to check out my Facebook Page.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

{K} Family

This is my second shoot with this awesome family.  I took their family pictures right about a year ago and was so happy when "Mom" asked me to do them again!  So here are a few shots that I loved that are not on my Facebook page (for a little bit of a change).

The last one was posted on Facebook...but I edited it a little to bring out the sky colors a little more.  I love the new one!  I might just have to go change the one on Facebook...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sadie K Talbot Photography

Since starting "Sweet Sadie Photography" I've debated if the name was right.  I didn't know if I wanted my business to be my name or something different.  For a long while, I wanted to do something a little different.  I've debated lately changing it and if I do, should I use my name for my business or think of something that caught me even more.  Finally I've decided to put it in my own name and stick with that.  I do love my name and think this change will stick.  So without further ado, here's the new logo:

So on to business as usual!  I already have a few sessions scheduled for the upcoming cooler Fall months and couldn't be more excited!  If you're interested in a session, don't forget to book it soon!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cute little Mr. {T}

This little guy just turned 1!  I can't believe how times flies!!  Here's a "then and now" picture and a few more of my favorites from this shoot.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Very Special Photoshoots

I've had two very special photoshoots recently that I would like to share.  The first was from a friend of my family that were blessed with the opportunity to adopt three children to add to their family of five.  They are a wonderful family and I was so happy to be able to photograph this special time for them.  This first picture is from the courthouse area, the others are from the temple where they were sealed together forever.

Next was my brother and his new wife and step-daughter (which we all have welcomed fully into our family, she isn't a "step" member of our family at all, she's my niece and my brother's daughter).  Here's the day that they went to the temple to be sealed together forever!  It was a wonderful day!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Baptism shoot of Miss {H}

In our church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), we believe that people should be baptized when they become accountable, which the Prophets have said is at age 8.  My sweet girl was baptized recently and before that, we went to the Dallas, Texas Temple to do a shoot for her invitations and some other fun shots.  Here are some of my favorites :)

She's growing up so fast!  We love her so much and the choices that she's making!

Baby {T} - 6 months old!

This little one was my second newborn shoot.  He's now 6 months old!  He's so adorable and was so happy for the shoot!  We had a great time!  I got some of him with his sisters, too, enjoy!

This family is so awesome and the kids are so great to "Shoot".